The Conference,
1. NOTES the proposal by the Republic of Togo to declare the decade 2021-2031 as the “Decade of African Roots and the African Diaspora”, and the interest of the Diaspora issue for the African continent;
2. ALSO NOTES the 2012 World Diaspora Summit Declaration, which recognizes the need to build sustainable partnerships between the African continent and the African Diaspora through constructive dialogue and effective collaboration;
3. TAKES NOTE of the various reports and other publications of the African Union Commission on the contributions of the African Diaspora and communities of African origin to the development of the continent;
4. RECOMMENDS to the Commission, in coordination with all Member States, a framework for formal communication and information exchange between Africa, the Diaspora and Afro-descendants;
5. RECALLS the decisions:
– Ext/EX/CL/Dec.6(III) of the Third Extraordinary Session of the Executive Council held in 2003 in South Africa, on the implementation of the Diaspora Initiative within the framework of the African Union;
– EX.CL/Dec.221(VII) of the Seventh Ordinary Session of the Executive Council held in June-July 2005, in Syrte, on the definition of the Diaspora;
– Ex.CL/406(XII) Add.1 by which the Executive Council requested the Commission to conduct a detailed feasibility study on the idea of considering the Diaspora as the sixth region of Africa and to define the modalities for the participation of the Diaspora in the organs and activities of the Union
– Assembly/AU/Dec.393 (XVIII) adopted at the Eighteenth Ordinary Session of the Assembly, held in 2012, on the World Summit of the African Diaspora by which the Assembly decided to make the issue of the Diaspora a permanent agenda item of the Assembly sessions;
Assembly /AU/Dec.630 (XXVIII) adopted at the twenty-eighth Ordinary Session of the Assembly, held in January 2017 in Addis-Abeba, Ethiopia, on the implementation of Agenda 2063 of the African Union and the role of the Diasporas and Article 3(q) of the Protocol on the Amendments to the Constitutive Act of the African Union (2003) which already expressly invited the Diaspora to participate as an important stakeholder in the construction of the Union;
Decision EX.CL/1032 (XXXIV) adopting the recommendations of the Third Ordinary Session of the CTS on Youth, Culture and Sports concerning the establishment of the International Day for African and Afro-descendant Culture (IDAAC)